Hey everybody! It's me! Mickey Mouse!

Nahhh I'm just kidding. In reality, I'm a complicated animal with feelings and emotions and strange issues that needs food and water and maybe a computer to live.

Like most people, I have interests and hobbies. Unlike most people, I've decided to make an entire website where I share those interests and hobbies and overall just goof around. I don't swear in public! (most of the time)

Unfortunately, I don't have all the time in the world to goof around because I have to go to school and do homework and be a responsible law-abiding citizen, which I'm completely fine with! The school and responsible law-abiding part, I mean.

Don't be afraid to click on random things and explore! I've hidden quite a few interesting tidbits and secrets scattered around...

I believe that all events of the universe are already laid out and nothing can change the course of those events. For example, try jumping out a window that would lead to treacherous consequences right now. You can't because that would go against the course of events.

It has been a while since I've experienced deja vu, which just makes me jealous when other people say they're experiencing it. Anyways, my favourite things are cyan, popcorn, and three other things which you can read more about by clicking the buttons on the sides.

If it sounds like I'm running out of things to say, then you must be hearing things because it should LOOK like I'm running out of things to say. It's just not very original to plain out say that I'm running out of things to say, even though it's true. The truth is, you're still getting to know me better by listening to the random things I have to say.

Unfortunately, I don't have all the time in the world to say random things because I have to go to school and do homework and be a responsible law-abiding citizen, which I'm completely fine with! The school and responsible law-abiding part, I mean. Ah ha! See what I did there?

I apologize to those with dyslexia for having to read so much text. This time, I'll help you out. ✋✊👋👊👌🤘🖐✌️ (But in all seriousness, I would do voice over if neocities would allow me to upload MP3 files.)

I came up with the username Diamond Epic when I was 6 years old. If I were to change it, I'd probably go with Indiego (not to be confused with Indiegogo).